Intertale/Eutopia Stop 3: Sokołovsko, Poland
After a few hours walk from Broumov we walked over the Sudenten Hills and the border to meet the great folks at the Foundation InSitu in Sokłovsko, a small town formerly known as Görbersdorf. Sokołowsko counting today some 800 inhabitants was renown as a spa village treating tuberculousis.
Today, still thanks to its fresh air and lovely landscape, the town could be called a resort for nature lovers as well for art lovers. The former lavish sanatorium buildings fell to a fire and are now being painstakingly renovated by their founder Bożenna Biskupska and her daughter Zuzanna Foggt. Here – where they live and work - they are building up a massive art collection and museum, based on their own network. Further, they hold the archive of Polish film maker Krysztof Kieślowski and run four annual avantgarde festivals in the town, its café and cinema. Incredible energy. Can they give me some please?
Thank you Zuzanna and Bożenna for the tea and the tour across your amazing spaces and lives.