
Growing flowers in my garden and forage beauties that are often considered as weeds is my passion.  Flowers, I believe can chase away anxieties and the blues, make people feel less worried, troubled or agitated. This is linked to their colour and their smell, but even the act of giving or receiving flowers can cheer people up and help them to move on with life.

Meanwhile carbon emissions associated with commercial cut-flower production are enormous .due to heating greenhouses with fossil fuels as well as the transport of flowers from far flung places. Using the beauty of our home-growns addresses this climate issue.

Floragista is an emergent floristry project that brings together combined issues of addressing the negative impact of cut-flower production while offering kindness to those in need of a bit of beauty and love, sympathy or compassion.

Floraging Service

Claudia is based in Edinburgh. She can serve events with bespoke weed, foraged and garden flower arrangements ranging from weddings to funerals.

Or she can simply bring a posy to a loved one in need for you.

Call me if you require some flowers to discuss your needs or ideas: claudia.f.zeiske@gmail.com

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